Define your areas of positioning for each Specific niche of your offering
Intro to exercise;
We are aiming to find a balance between easy to start and sophisticated enough to make a difference.
Everyone is unique and once you are in a 1 to 1 you will cater to your buyer need , and use specific clues to build rapport - to make them feel that you get their case
BUT when you are sending messages in Linkedin or via email you are in principle "blind" to their needs and clues so the default is go to generic .. and that´s what we try to avoid
FOR NOW - for practical purposes we need stay simple to be able to convey CLARITY - value propositions that make sense - Keywords that renders the right target and Buyer personas that help us visualize the customers concerns
The first thing for selling is have a very clear picture of
a) who is the customer and why they care about ( tip start with the Why )
b) how to find them - what are the signals that someone is a potential customer
A) Work on THE CORE NEEDs you are covering with what you sell
Scenario1 - One person one focus - you sell to a number of verticals a specific set of technologies under an umbrella portfolio ; ie- IoT, Machine Learning
You still may sell to quite different buyer personas - at very least the Technical Buyer and the business Buyer .- but often in complex sales , there are several stakeholders ; Financial approvers , Purchase departments, middle management, top management/ vp from operations, sales or marketing ,compliance , etc..
You will have the possibility later to build specifics message for each but lets start simpler.
What is a Top Line - general to relate to them all but specific enough to feel like an insider to each one them